
inspiration, mental health, mindfulness, Uncategorized

Your Emotions are Valid

“But so many people have it worse than me, my problems aren’t that important”— is a line that I hear VERY often as a therapist.  I will often stop my clients in their tracks when they say this. I will often say “Stop. Your problems are yours- you are allowed to feel however you are… Continue reading Your Emotions are Valid

family, hope, inspiration, mental health, Uncategorized

7 Ways to Manage Mental Health during COVID-19

  The ways in which COVID-19 is impacting our physical health have become fairly clear over the past few months—but what about our mental health? In the upcoming months, as we continue to see the curve flatten, the fog will clear and we will begin to see the profound impact that this pandemic is having… Continue reading 7 Ways to Manage Mental Health during COVID-19


Your Child doesn’t need to be “Fixed” because they aren’t Broken

The look in a parent's eyes when they are pleading with you to "fix" their child is one that you don't forget: desperate, exhausted, impatient, burnt out---but most importantly, scared to death. Scared to death that there is no solution to the pain that they are feeling as parents. Scared to death that there is… Continue reading Your Child doesn’t need to be “Fixed” because they aren’t Broken

hope, inspiration, mental health, mindfulness, Uncategorized

Time: Our Most Precious Gift

I am sitting here on my living room couch, surrounded by the life that I have created. From the high-energy dog sitting across from me to the curtains hanging on my bay window to the quality of my thoughts--I am acutely aware that these are all things that I have chosen and invited into my… Continue reading Time: Our Most Precious Gift

family, mental health, mindfulness, Uncategorized

Leaving Behind your Role in your Family System

I wanted to be therapist since I was a young kid. That's weird, right? For as long as I can remember, this was my dream job. Other kids were dreaming of being professional basketball players, Hollywood movie stars, doctors, etc, and I was dreaming of sitting in an office listening to someone talk about their… Continue reading Leaving Behind your Role in your Family System

hope, mental health, mindfulness, Uncategorized

In Order to Follow your Path

    In order to follow your path, sometimes you need to be willing to let go of that which does not serve you. We've heard this a million times; I know I have. It sounds great, profound..powerful, but what does it actually mean? It means that you are willing to walk away from others/let… Continue reading In Order to Follow your Path

hope, mental health, Uncategorized

Myths About High-Functioning Depression

"You don't seem depressed,"  "What do you have to be sad about?" "But you are so successful," "You look great, you're not depressed" are some of the things that are often said to people who experience high-functioning depression. High-functioning depression is very dangerous because most often, people who struggle with it appear to be very… Continue reading Myths About High-Functioning Depression